lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

05/21/2018 Lesson 5: Cultural Paradigms

This topic made me think about how according to our culture we have different ideas of a single concept like what is mentioned in the first video: "But you have all these paradigms in your head. You have a paradigm for what is a rock, what is a tree, and all these more complex paradigms. "

It's amazing how just changing from one small country to another change radically in such a way as this woman mentioned when she was in Africa She had a legitimate fear because the spread of AIDS in Africa It was considered to be beautiful and gave great value to herself when she crossed into America.
 What it´s education?
Training aimed at developing the intellectual, moral and emotional capacity of people in accordance with the culture and norms of coexistence of the society to which they belong.
 That is the definition is where they develop emotionally and intellectually according to their culture
What is a teacher?
A teacher is a person in charge of the intellectual, moral and emotional development of a student

So great responsibility and blessing, so the great teacher is still alive and he is the one who strives for his students to reach their divine potential

I am sure that each teacher has something to contribute to their students but sometimes they focus only on teaching and not on the progress of each one of their students, just as the enthusiasm goes down little by little until they no longer have the desire to attend the class
During my life, I have met teachers who only focus on what they teach that what they learn as mentioned in my gospel preach focus on people and not on lessons so it is the same for us I feel fortunate to have the opportunity in the future apply all these principles
Once my father told me how was the education where the teacher also disciplined and learned  . He told a litte experiencie that he always remember where their teacher give courage to go and discipline .
There are paradigms that say that the great master died but really, I have always thought that the key is love enthusiasm.
In Latin America, it is sought to implement technology so that students have a better development and as mentioned that we are already digitized where students need to take a bigger step than what they give.
I have noticed during the time as it is implemented but every time the technology goes a step further than we

We are also invited to know more about our students in such a way that they will progress and develop their linguistic skills,so I am sure that the great teacher has not died if he has not been resurrected to implement the technology and personalization of teaching.

 There are many ways of thinking but I'm going to work with young or small students they will someday face this kind of ideology  where they will grow with great remember 

It is very clear that we all have a different way of seeing according to the point where we observe.

It is important that our students know the ways of seeing different education go to the future.
It is good to learn the culture of others and ways of education apply it !that we can even put into practice depending on the benefit that we personally for our class.
Personally, I would like to apply this type of teaching be enthusiastic and the great teacher live!

We have the power to break those barriers and finally, I would like to just ask a small question how can I help my students with technology in their progress? 

3 comentarios:

  1. As teachers, most of the time we have preset learning objectives, things that our students are supposed to know once they take our class. It's easy to focus on those objectives alone and forget about the people, the students themselves. Are they really learning, or do they just know the content we taught them?
    It's so important to get to know our students, what makes them unique, how do they think, how do they see the world? It's not easy, but good teaching is rewarding!
    Technology can make learning fun if done right. The students need to know how to use the tools, have ready access to equipment, and have the needed time to use those tools. I'm afraid if those guidelines are not followed, technology will only hinder their learning, by adding more stress to the learning process.

  2. This image of the blind man and the elephant is very iteresting, and make us to think how am I doing with others.
    Good Post!


Lesson 8 : 06/12/2018 Deep Culture in the Elementary Classroom

I really liked that he talks about teaching our students this kind of manners, cultural crossings, paradigms so they can apply it and unders...