miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

5/02/18 Lesson 1 Is the Great American Teacher Dead?

A small question that leads to many factors of educational quality, while reading this article came to mind the importance of teaching and the great impact that can be achieved in students as mentioned in this article:
"Are many walking that road with a self-assurance supported by
years of positive feedback, informal and formal assessments,
and heartening student outcomes? Or, remove possibly, are
many walking that road with an unjustified spring in their
step not realizing they have just bored their students to tears? "
So let's evaluate a little about teaching.
In different parts of the world are different types of teaching but the purpose is the same learn but I know that working with our students is 50 and 50 so I will talk a little about the points mentioned:
  • Making Things Meaningful
"Students remember meaning before details" During my life I have met many teachers but those who inspired me helped me to remember the meaning of what I learned and I would like to quote: "Teachers should not fear to be a little more exciting, a little more courageous, a little more entertaining, a little more stimulating, and a little more inspiring. If one believes he or she is engaged in a great work, one's comportment and bearing need to be proportionately reflective "
  • The Need to Go Deep Metacognition and the Great Teacher .- I summarize to reflection and thinking about thinking means when someone
  • Transformative Education "This mode of learning is replete with deep, personal reflection; the reflection that potentially pushes back the parameters of reality "means consider aspects of personal reflection, society and believes.
  • Cultural Self-Examination.- We are all from different places and by default, we tend to acquire emotions from our own culture so I would define it as believing in yourself.
  • Mining the Rich Cross-Cultural Landscape.-"Speaking of cultural differences, researchers have discovered a positive correlation between human achievement and being raised in an environment that is rich in cultural diversity"
We are all different and we have different ways of learning in such a way that when the teacher occupies the attention of the students in different ways they will continue learning, for my opinion you will never find the perfect way to teach yourself but if the best you can .Every day we grow in a world full of changes and technology that changes the life around us and ours, so every day the type of teaching is renewed but when the goal is given and the teacher becomes the best teacher because he loves what he does and he is humble when receiving comments where he can improve.
I have always admired the dedication of a teacher towards his students. It is not easy but when we apply these principles we can meet some challenges according to the culture and age but will achieve progress in the same teacher "The Great Teacher".
We will  not only achieve small things, but also miracles.

1 comentario:

Lesson 8 : 06/12/2018 Deep Culture in the Elementary Classroom

I really liked that he talks about teaching our students this kind of manners, cultural crossings, paradigms so they can apply it and unders...