martes, 12 de junio de 2018

Lesson 8 : 06/12/2018 Deep Culture in the Elementary Classroom

I really liked that he talks about teaching our students this kind of manners, cultural crossings, paradigms so they can apply it and understand it but I will talk a little bit about this point.
Cultural instruction should be more than just piñatas, mariachis, French bread, and the Eiffel Tower. We need to go to a little deeper-especially in the secondary grades (Ivers, 2007).

Resultado de imagen para deeper culturalAnd it is all the reason all this is more than just teaching like this if it is not mentioned that we should help them relate through situations and a lesson plan in which they apply what they have learned.

 We can be creative and likewise use technology to support us in teaching these cultural principles.

I will tell you an experience
I was learning French so the teacher decided to have a French-style picnic so we could learn and bring wine, cheese, bread, butter etc ... But he forbade us to carry chili because here in Mexico "if something does not itch it does not taste".

 We only practiced the language really helped me learn a little more about the French culture and some cultural differences like eating bread and cheese .. for me, it was good to do some things but at the same time it did not make sense and we learned a little more about the culture French
Personally, as I students see everything differently and become more open.

jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

Lesson 7 6/7/2018 : Cultural and Psychology.

When my  family gatherings, we have the tradition of getting together and eating together but I always realize that my uncles have a preference for my brother all my life, that is the last memory that sometimes I fought a lot with them because of that very marked machismo about to be the favorite, they always gave him many things while I did not take much into account.

Really low self-esteem when I was 12 or 13 years old but then it does not take importance because my parents always loved us equally.
I would like to change in such a way that there is that equality that my parents always marked between him and me.

This happened because the man was always valued more than the woman and my grandmother always had that kind of psychology...
We are in the XXI century and all that is changing but in some cultures, they continue with that kind of psychology, so I believe it depends on us.
Another experience that gave me a lot of laughter is that my grandmother had beliefs like you never bar your house at night, or if you get stuck on your feet you will not get married ... I'll leave a video here...

Based on our own culture, we are growing and learning this type of psychology that helps us but there are people who can also leave behind that type of beliefs and that can affect a student that happens something that does not agree with their beliefs.
Really all this leads us to that we are all different from the place where we will be different. That is why it is important to inform us and not to offend easily or misinterpret.

martes, 5 de junio de 2018

Lesson 7:6/5/2018: Difference in Manners

 We have internet is that a good thing and relief because it helps us learn more about other cultures and know what is good and bad in other parts of the world.
From eating, greeting, addressing a friend or adult etc ... So this time I will put an example of what is considered in my culture.
I remember that as missionaries, the sisters gave us food and when we finished the plate of food, we were offered more and we had to accept another dish because otherwise the family would be offended or think you did not like the food.
That is the reason why most of the missionaries who serve here in Mexico tend to get fat.
We are all different, so in this video, I will show what she faced about her education:

It really made me think about the way we see others, as teachers we must take care of what is bullying and the acceptance of others and help not to confuse the different ways, in case I think it was difficult for her.
Here my options:
Show a video of misunderstandings
Exhibitions of cultures
If it happens to pass some misunderstanding help to understand the reason why he did it
Talk with parents
If something similar happens in your classroom. What kind of options we can find?
As a teacher, it is more than being attentive that is to help them learn new cultures and have the curiosity to visit different places and when they do they will know what things they can do and adapt but as always the roots are carried inside of what we are.


We have been told about all this type of cultural changes and paradigms but we are again mentioned that we will face with one or two students from different cultures or even our classroom is full of cultural diversity.
Learning the different situations we can face helps me to know how I can solve them.
I would just like to quote what brother Iver cites the Asian culture:
 "Asian students have positive comments about only two aspects of American life. Only two aspects! How we treat the physically handicapped, and our system of university education. "They admired how we treat the physically handicapped, and they admired our system of university education.
They said, "Regarding the physically handicapped, they were impressed how the disabled were given certain privileges, which gave them the courage to do things." And as far as another thing from this study, it said that "Asian students' most complimentary statements were addressed to the way classes provided students considerable opportunity for asking questions, engaging in critical thinking, and participating in a dialogue with the professor. Asian students overwhelmingly favored the classroom organization in the American university. "
We can imagine what our opinion would be if we were in their position, what kind of problems we would face that would provoke a different paradigm?
If we begin our life with our family as a parent as would my own son help him understand what is different? And correct?
As a teacher,
I would support my students to adapt and love others.
We must always take our role and help everyone to respect and love their neighbor by helping them adapt to the process of adaptation
It's interesting how when we go from one place to another they change so small and real aspects that's why it's very important.
It reminds me of a scripture that says that through small things the Lord confuses the wise ... so really when we do little things like motivating and teaching them and being friendly, it helps them adapt in their new life or accept others for what we do. It makes everyone different.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Lesson 6 06/01/2018 :Internal vs External Attribution

It is a way in which they begin to know all this type of attributions so I will mention these and some definitions found on the websites:

  • Internal Attributions assigns the causes of behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, and feelings.
  • External Attributions assigns the causes of behavior to situational demands, and environmental constraint.

According to the internal, we do it personally and sometimes we get discouragement but something that has always been inculcated is to work with goals and think about how we can improve so that it does not happen negatively.
Externally it is different sometimes we blame someone for our faults but also our successes have their pros and cons but these help us to recognize the help of the people around us and even God but when we talk about something negative We blame someone.
Personally, I think we all face this type of ideology on a daily basis with the people we relate to, so we always try to help them think in the most positive way
According to the article, I am aware that we are facing a world of changing values where our students blame themselves or blame others according to their actions.
I would like to help my students to make goals in the classroom of what they expect to accomplish that will help them to afront their type of attribution.
The education is different from home and they learned about to recognize their own negatives and positives to attribution internal or external.
As we meet them, we could know what kind of think they believe like Karma etc...
This reminds me of the theory of Krashen talking about the affective filter that is mentioned that sometimes the student may have stress but I can have it personally because I do not achieve the desired qualification, that is why we should help them to think in both ways, positively and negatively but incorrect situations.
I will give them the inner motivation they need so they can see their potential as students and children of God.

Lesson 6 05/31/2018 : PERSONAL SPACE

As mentioned, we all have our own personal space and as cultures are different, but when our space is invaded we come to offend ourselves or react negatively.
As brother Iver mentions, Mexican culture tends to invade personal space because we are very friendly and sometimes that space during transport is seen as something very normal.
While reading this article according to the rules, it really made me laugh because it is like it really happens even though in my culture that not talking to anyone does not happen, sometimes we tend to talk with people we do not even know during public transport.
Personally, when I travel alone I usually bring that mentioned mask of no emotions.
I will tell you a little experience of misunderstanding
Recently a new girl joined us she is American and just greet her as we all kissed each other on the cheek here in Mexico,so she was impressed by what I did and clearly felt invaded ,so when the others arrived they greeted her with the same way ,she did it and understood that it was very normal.
How can I apply as a teacher?
We are aware that we all have our own bubbles just like our students.
When it is the first day of classes no one speaks or only know each other but as they go together they allow them to approach areas but when someone approaches their intimate zone they can be offended and start a fight we can talk with the kids to avoid these misunderstandings .
For me it would be important to teach a little about different cultures and customs or that even students from other cultures would explain a little about them.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

Lesson 6 05/30/2018: Collective vs Individualism

I liked the examples of Brother Ivers in how he describes the individualistic and collective culture in a way that gives us a clear understanding that an individualistic culture was based on this example:
 "We talked about American children, something good. How American children-at least I think it's good, that's my cultural opinion. American children are known throughout the world for having extra rights than many other children because they can express themselves, they can express their opinions to adults, they can make their own choices very often, okay, and that sort of thing, but that's rare. It exists in other countries too, but in most countries probably not."
So I agree that as teachers we will face the two individualistic and collective types so it is important that we understand this concept.
Here the differences

I consider that my country is individualistic but studies have been done where these results are shown is individualistic .....  as mentioned by brother Iver where we all rely on these points and we are only reminded of the consequences of our own actions I would only like to quote this.

An example of what might happen in the classroom is that a student who is of the collective culture will always seek to be the leader of the group and will always look for the welfare of others but when another individualist student confronts him he could be misunderstood because the other is based on his own decisions and does not care about the rest.
They form groups to do a project so student C starts to organize and give assignments the others follow him but when a student i  I don´t work on his assignment because he did not like the topic they start to have a conflict where he talks to the teacher and tells him that it would be better if he could do it alone.
That could be a situation that could happen and it would be talking to both of them in such a way that they can work as a team.
It´s very interesting how the education in China works on test scores so I like the way this article describes it: "He imagines ways of teaching by which the individual strengths of every student are developed, not under pressure, but by their intrinsic motivation. He dreams of schools where the highest value is creativity, where students are encouraged to be, as he wrote in his last book, World Class Learners, “confident, curious, and creative.” Until we break free of standardized testing, this ideal will remain out of reach ."
 I would like to focus on this idea because we are the instruments to help our students be the highest value is creativity, curious and confident. 
Only last I would like to ask some questions how can I help my students have another perspective to be individualists?
Can you have both at the same time?
Can you find a situation from which individualism becomes coll

Lesson 8 : 06/12/2018 Deep Culture in the Elementary Classroom

I really liked that he talks about teaching our students this kind of manners, cultural crossings, paradigms so they can apply it and unders...